Sports Surge

In an exclusive interview conducted by News Agency Kashmir News Service (KNS) with Secretary of Youth Services and Sports, Sarmad Hafeez, KNS Correspondent Asif Malik delves into the current state and future prospects of sports activities in Jammu and Kashmir.

Kashmir Magazine


Asif Malik: I would like to know about this year’s Winter Sports Activity in Gulmarg.

Sarmad Hafeez: This is the 4th time that Winter Sports Activity has been awarded to J&K. J&K has emerged as the Winter Sports Capital of the country. These Games have been conducted very successfully. We hope that in the future, we will hold Winter Sports Activity in Gulmarg. This is the finest ski resort. One of the finest in the world and definitely the finest in the country. We have benefited a lot from this Games. We have improved a lot. Our athletes have got good exposure. Our facilities have improved. Very soon, with the help of Government of India and Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, an Institute of Excellence in Skiing will be established in Gulmarg. As far as Summer Sports is concerned, you know that sports is being played everywhere. Our Honorable L.G. has prioritized sports. You have seen that in the last 3-4 years, the infrastructure development that has taken place is unprecedented. In fact, not much infrastructure has been built anywhere as much as sports infrastructure has been built in J&K. Even if we talk about Panchayat Playgrounds, every panchayat has tried to build a sports facility, whether it is a playground or a small court. This has started from every panchayat, at our district level, at our block level, and in our remote areas, sports infrastructure has been built very well. There are many things that we have not seen before, like our floodlit stadiums. More than 60 stadiums and playfields are floodlit, where our children can play in the evening and at night. I met football players the day before yesterday, and other people from different sports came, and they had to say that when they used to go out to the competition, and they had to play there, they did not have the exposure to play under the floodlights. Today, I think it has been a great opportunity for them that they have been provided this platform. Apart from this, there are many synthetic turfs, our synthetic football turfs, our astro turfs. Not only in the city, not only in the towns, but also in remote areas, such facilities have been created. Our effort is to spot the sporting talent. We don’t look for it in the cities, but we look for it in far-flung areas because real talent lies in the villages, real talent lies in the rural areas, and we are getting a lot of benefit from it.

Asif Malik: Can you tell us about the water sports sector? Is there anything planned for this year?

Sarmad Hafeez: As far as water sports is concerned, you know that we have many water bodies here, which make us an ideal place for water sports also. We have two water sports centres here under the Prime Minister’s Development Programme. Our water sports centre has been recently established. State-of-the-art equipment, whether it is kayaks or canoes, we have the best quality of equipment there. You will be happy to know that within a month, we are hosting a very big water sports festival in which many teams from our national level will come, in which there will be kayaking, canoeing, and other water sports as well. In addition to this, there will also be a national dragon boat festival. Water sports activity is also being picked up. It is not limited to Dal Lake only, but we are trying to take it to Manasbal Lake, to Wular Lake, and as I told you, there is tremendous potential in water sports. We have also won a lot of medals in water sports. In fact, our kids are very well trained in water sports, and they have made a name for themselves at the national level as well.

Asif Malik: Last year legends league was played in Jammu. Players from all over the country came here to play cricket. Can we witness this league in Kashmir Valley this year?

Sarmad Hafeez: See, why not? We have all the right facilities for every kind of sport. As far as the Legends League is concerned, that was, I think, a great event that took place in Jammu. Because in Jammu, we have a truly international quality cricket stadium, which is our MA Stadium. That was also upgraded under the Honorable Prime Minister’s Development Program. And there is a very good facility there, in which the Legends League was held, and we heard the names of many players, who were internationally known names. They played there. They were a great inspiration for our own players. And we hope that they stay here in the future as well. As far as cricket is concerned, that is the prerogative of the BCCI and the JKCA. But we also try from our side that we also provide facilities and grounds and God willing, that day is not far when games like the Legends League and even better international games not only in cricket, but in other things as well will be played here.

Asif Malik: How many playgrounds have been introduced in Kashmir this year?

Sarmad Hafeez: Look, many playgrounds have been made. As I told you, we tried to have a playing facility in every panchayat. Apart from this, we have made playgrounds in remote areas. And a lot of such infrastructure has come. In fact, last year there were more than 400 playgrounds that were made. Apart from this, as I told you, we have taken state-of-the-art facilities to rural areas. As I give you an example, we used to have only one AstroTurf here, which was in Jammu. Now our AstroTurf Stadium is also in Poonch. Because the kids of our Poonch are very interested in hockey. Similarly, an AstroTurf Stadium has been built in Pulwama. As far as football is concerned, you have seen how many football turfs are being made. We only had one turf, the TRC turf, that is also being relayed. But along with that, many other football turfs are being built. Here, an AstroTurf Stadium has been built with our Polo Ground. We did not have any facility for athletics. But synthetic athletic tracks, truly international quality, one is being built in Sopore, one was built in Kashmir University. Apart from this, in Jammu University, we have made a synthetic athletic track in Nagrota. There, a synthetic athletic track has been built. And it is in the final stages of completion. Similarly, we have made such fields in other areas as well. As far as other sports are concerned, we have more than 32 indoor stadiums now. Where we only had two indoor stadiums. In the Prime Minister’s Development Programme, we got at least one indoor stadium in every district. And we have benefited a lot from that. The indoor stadiums of Srinagar and Jammu have been upgraded and it is truly a fantastic facility. We have played many national games here. Recently, in Jammu, we played a national game for gymnastics. We played a national game for table tennis. We played many national games here in Kashmir. And this year, if you are talking about the summer plan, we are trying to hold more than 20 national games here. Last year, you must have heard and covered the directions of the Honorable Lieutenant Governor. We tried to host as many school games as possible. National school games under SGFI. Last year, we hosted six school games here. And as far as football is concerned, we emerged as the champions in the country. We were the best in the country. And we won the gold medal of SGFI in football. Similarly, we won the bronze medal in fencing. Our kids are winning many medals. Whether it is in martial arts or any other sport, such as gymnastics or roller skating. At national and international level, our kids are excelling in many sports, whether it is wushu or any other sport.

Asif Malik: Can you tell me how much sports equipment you have distributed in Jammu and Kashmir?

Sarmad Hafeez: These are details that you can get from the sports council. But let me tell you one more thing. We are the only place in India where we have been awarded 100 Khelo India Centers. In fact, 5 Khelo India Centers have been awarded in every district. It is a very good scheme by the Government of India. I am grateful to the Ministry for having reposed faith in us that they have given us 5 Khelo India Centers for every district. Our sports persons are the mentors. They are the ones who teach the kids there. And now we have got this benefit that in different sports, from our villages, from remote areas, where these Khelo India Centers are being trained, kids are emerging from there and are excelling in different sports. You talked about equipment. So, in Khelo India Centers, in every place, the scheme that is provided, we not only provide infrastructure, but also provide equipment and gear to the kids. We provide proper gear. And it is provided in all centers. Apart from this, our second Directorate of Youth Services and Sports is also doing a lot to improve the school.

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